The Pipeline is Strong
There are currently more than 2.4 million miles of pipeline infrastructure in the country, and natural gas utilities are spending more than $22 billion each year to upgrade and expand service.

- Natural Gas pipeline can provide weeks to months of fuel.
- Bi-Fuel generators (diesel/natural gas) extend run times from days to weeks by supplementing on-site fuel storage with natural gas.
- MIT study for improving energy security recommended the use of natural gas and bi-fuel generation for defense facilities.
- Natural Gas pipeline network is robust; historic outages are few.
*Total numbers, listed in trillion cubic feet (Tcf), account for traditional, coalbed and offshore natural gas resources
Source: Potential Gas Committee (2015) | Separately aggregated from all province data.
Natural gas pipelines, which transport more than one-fourth of the energy consumed in the U.S., are an essential part of the nation’s infrastructure. Transportation by pipeline is the safest form of energy delivery in the country.
There are currently more than 2.4 million miles of pipeline infrastructure in the country, and natural gas utilities are spending more than $22 billion each year to upgrade and expand service.
The fundamental principle of the natural gas supply pipeline architecture — gathering, transmission and distribution — is gas flowing from higher to lower pressure.